World Economy and World Finance
World Economy and World Finance
2024, vol. 3, no. 5

Full issue soon

Special Issue

Systemic Crisis of the World Economy and World Finance

World Economy

Julia B. Kravchenko

Krasavin Readings 2024: Systemic Crisis of the World Economy and World Finance ......

Tatyana A. Goroshnikova

Assessing the Long-Term Trends of Investment Attractiveness in Southeast Asia ......

Elizaveta V. Ogloblina

The Role of Industrial and Technological Cooperation in the Development of the Russian Economy under Sanctions ......

Elena B. Starodubtseva

Trade cooperation of the BRICS member countries: development challenges ......

Natalya V. Sergeeva

Russian economy investment attractiveness increase in the context of the global economy systemic crisis

Olga V. Orusova

Russian-Japanese economic relations under sanctions ......

Aleksandr I. Sukalo

Applicability of theoretical provisions of J.Schumpeter in the framework of socio-economic development of Southeast Asian countries ......

World Finance

Victor Ya. Pishchik

Features of modern currency interventions as a mechanism for regulating the exchange rate of the Russian ruble ......

Lyubov V. Krylova

Disintermediation in the Digital Economy: myth or reality? ......

Tatiana A. Gorbacheva

The development of the Islamic Financial services industry in the context of global risks ......

Julia B. Kravchenko

Institutional Crisis of the Modern International Monetary System and Ways Out of It ......

Maksim D. Timko, Aleksei V. Kuznetsov

Features of crisis forecasting in the global financial market ......

Valery Y. Barabanov, Alexander D. Protosenya

Iran’s Financial System under Sanctions Pressure: the Role of Cryptocurrencies and Alternative Payment Mechanisms ......

Vladimir S. Krutyakov

Integration processes of financial institutions and technology companies under the influence of preferences of consumers of financial services ......