The journal publishes research on current issues in the development of the world economy and finance.
Journal headings:World Economy
World Finance
International Business
Regional Economy
Sectoral Economics
Economic Theory
The journal strives to become one of the leading platforms for publishing research on the problems and prospects for the development of the global economy and global finance.
From the point of view of the journal, the following topics are promising areas for publishing research:
- Alternative finance.
- BRICS+ as a promising format of economic interaction.
- The impact of climate risks on the financial stability of the national economy.
- The impact of international capital mobility on the effectiveness of domestic macroeconomic policies.
- The impact of uncertainty on factor markets.
- The impact of FINTECH development on economic growth.
- The impact of stablecoins on global finance.
- The impact of digital ecosystems on economic growth.
- Geoeconomic multipolarity in modern conditions.
- State regulation of sustainable development in sectors of the national economy.
- Money as a social technology of value accounting: programmable counting units and register maintenance under and outside state control.
- Activities of international economic organizations.
- Changing consumer behavior under economic sanctions.
- Import substitution as an important component of the country's national innovation system.
- Investments as a factor in the development of the global economic system.
- Investment activity in the digital economy.
- Innovation and artificial intelligence in international economic relations.
- Institutional and technological features of economic development.
- Corporate governance. Forms and methods of corporate control. Firm value management.
- The crisis of the Western financial paradigm: causes and consequences.
- Cryptocurrencies and centralized regulation of monetary circulation: problems and prospects for subsequent relations between agents of the economic system.
- Marketing technologies in company management: theoretical and applied aspects. The contribution of marketing to the creation and management of intangible assets. Modern models and methods of interaction with clients and consumers.
- The international component of the new industrial revolution.
- International economic cooperation of Russia with countries and regions of the world.
- International outline of the development of Eurasian integration.
- International labor market: new trends and prospects.
- International statistical research.
- International accounting and analytical research.
- International audit research.
- International studies on taxation.
- Methods and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of management systems.
- World trading system in the context of globalization.
- Model of sustainable insurance in the concept of sustainable development.
- National aspects of the influence of global risks on the Russian economy.
- New trends in international trade in intellectual property.
- Optimization of taxation of cross-border transactions using cryptocurrencies.
- Main trends and prospects for economic integration within the EAEU.
- Features of inflation processes in developed countries in modern conditions.
- Features and prospects for the development of economic integration of Latin American countries.
- Features of modern global financial crises.
- Features of the development of regionalization processes in the world.
- Features of economic development and regionalization in different regions of the world (Africa, Asia, Middle East, Eurasia, Latin America).
- Causes and consequences of the formation of global imbalances in the world economy.
- Problems and prospects of integration processes in the developing world.
- Problems of (macro) economic policy under sanctions.
- The problem of financing at different stages of the startup life cycle.
- Design of management systems for organizations. Business processes: construction methodology and optimization models. Network models of organization. Information and analytical support for the management of organizations.
- Anti-money laundering using cryptocurrencies. Implementation of a monitoring and early warning system for risky events.
- Contradictions in the development of globalization processes in the modern economy.
- Development of monetary and financial interaction in the EAEU countries.
- Development of methods for making investment decisions in organizations of various types.
- Development of economic integration of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
- Development of theory and methods of decision-making in economic and social systems. Artificial intelligence systems to support management decision making.
- Regulation of digital financial solutions.
- Reforming the activities of institutions of global economic regulation.
- Risk management in conditions of global turbulence and uncertainty.
- Russia in world economic relations.
- Venture capital market.
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